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The Yarborough Monument

by Rob Marshall

Standing on the top of Culver down this monument is visible from most of the East Wight. It was designed to stand some half a mile to the West of its present position but was re- erected on its present site when national security decreed that priority must be given to the construction of Bembridge Fort.

The Yarborough Monument The lettering on the monument tells how it was erected by public subscription in memory of the First Earl of Yarborough who is perhaps best known for his work in founding the Royal Yacht Squadron. Not mere playthings for the aristocracy the Yachts at this time carried enough guns to support the Royal Navy if the need arose.

The Falcon, belonging to the Earl carried twenty guns and was crewed by men who had to agree to submit to standard naval flogging when discipline called for it.

The Earl married into the Worsley family and adopted that surname although the peerage was granted to him as Charles Anderton Pelham. The unfortunate stonemason who inscribed the hundreds of words needed to record the Earl's praiseworthy life made a spelling error as he neared the end of his task. It is still there. (Good quiz question.)

Bridge players will no doubt know of the hand named a "Yarborough" after the second Earl. He is said to have wagered a thousand to one against a hand being dealt with no picture cards.